Idi Amin Dada's name with his full tittle is- His Excellency President for Life, Field
Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the
Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in
General and Uganda in Particular.
The third president of Uganda.
Africa Report
1975, Volume 20, No 5
On August 3, 1975, the day after holding his inaugural press
conference as chairman of the OA U, President Amin of Uganda informally briefed
five journalists. Two were Egyptians and two were Palestinians. The fifth
correspondent was Africa Report editor, Anthony Hughes. With Field Marshal Amin's permission he
recorded the two-hour meeting, key parts of which are reproduced below.
AMIN: I was not interested in being
President. First of all I must make it clear to you that I was forced to be
President at gun-point. Therefore if there is a coup d'etat in Uganda, it will
be against the armed forces, not against me. That
is why you find I am free to meet anybody and consider everyone in Uganda
responsible for my security; not only the armed forces but the people. I think
the people of Uganda are very grateful because in the continent of Africa South of the Sahara no other head of state has
done for his people what I did. I have made history. There may be a few people,
three or four perhaps, who speak against me in exile; but I
would say that 98 or 99 per cent of the people of Uganda and of Africa are with
That is why I am not afraid. I travel with one person, as you saw
me arriving in my car, because that one person could pass a message if the car
broke down. I consider every person in Uganda, everyone in this area, as my
brothers and sisters.
QUESTION: What about a party system, Sir?
AMIN: I am a progressive leader. My policy is based upon progress.
You can have a party but if that party has no progress for the people of the
country, the party is useless. Therefore the most important thing is to unite
your people nationally and then after uniting them you can see how you are
going to reorganize. We are already preparing the Uganda National Union which
will be a base for everybody – in the armed forces, in the police, prison force
and the public. We have already prepared the forum. All that remains is for me
to sign a decree declaring the name of the forum. We have got to mobilize the people
first. They will be elected from every county of Uganda to represent their
people in a National Assembly. I shall be the chairman and will have the power
to appoint and to dismiss any member, in cooperation with the people from the
QUESTION: Would this be a stage towards civilian rule?
AMIN: You see there is no meaning of civilian
rule under my government because you find that my government, which is a
military government, actually has more civilian members than have other
countries with military rule. The military in the government are only 25 per
cent and 75 are civilian. We consider things from a national standpoint and
therefore the military and civilians must be combined. You have more chance as
a civilian in Uganda than in other Africa countries.
QUESTION: Would you go forward, in time, for election as
AMIN: Yes.
QUESTION: You have spoken of the National Union of Uganda and of
the Parliament.
AMIN: The two are together. Parliament will
follow from the formation of the party.
QUESTION: Similar to the system in Egypt, the Arab Socialist
AMIN: But myself, I did not want to go to
socialism because socialism is from the Soviet Union and from communist China.
Therefore I considered that I must have something which is pure Africa because
if I want to follow socialism I shall be following the Soviet Union or China.
The National Union of Uganda will be independent of any power in the world.
QUESTION: Can you tell us about the case of Mr. Dennis Hills?
AMIN: This man was most important in the Western part of Uganda. He was
lecturing in the teacher training college, not at the university as it was
reported. Also he was a spy. Therefore I did not want to tell the British
government, ‘If you do not do such-and-such I will do this to Dennis Hills’.
Rather I wanted to show them that we are capable of administering our people
without any assistance – as we did at the O.A.U. Summit. They can see that the
people are very happy. I wanted to show that the reports which Dennis Hills was
writing against me and against Uganda were false. Therefore I just released
him. If Lieutenant General Blair had not been so hot
tempered, I could actually have handed Dennis Hills over to him. He had a hot
temper; he had been my Commanding Officer in the time of the King's
African Rifles and he thought I was still seeing him as 'bwana mkubwa·. The time
of the bwana mkubwa is gone. With this photograph I can show
you that the bwana mkubwa is now me.
QUESTION: What is the purpose of your being carried by Our
British men?
AMIN: Because I wanted to show that we
Africans used to carry Europeans but now Europeans are carrying us. We are now
the masters. These in front are pure Englishmen. One behind is Welsh and
another Irish and the one holding the umbrella is Scottish – and I was wearing
the Scottish cap. They came from Britain and wanted to show that I really have
power in my country. I am not being controlled by any super power.
QUESTION: Before you came to power and during the period which
followed, there was a lot of what was called kondo-ism, armed robbery and
thuggery in the country. What is the state of affairs now as far as personal
security is concerned? These robbers had sophisticated guns which made others
think they were soldiers carrying out the robberies; were they?
AMIN: Those kondo were former
General Service Unit members, the regiment of former President Obote. Most of
them were from his tribe. Those people were armed but they were not disciplined
soldiers. They were poorly paid. Therefore they went to force people at
gunpoint, in the bars, to get money and free drink. Even they went to force
peoples’ wives to rape them. But when I came to power they found they were
doing something bad against the citizens of Uganda and they had to run to
Tanzania and then they became an army there to invade Uganda together with the
Tanzanian People’s Defence Force. They invaded us in 1972. Some of them are
still there. You hear that in Tanzania there are manykondo going
round, stealing property, killing people. These people had no discipline. That
is why I eliminated them from Uganda and they ran away to Tanzania, where they
are now causing damage in the countryside and towns. If you walk on the streets
of Dar es Salaam and you have money, I am sure you will be robbed.
But here I have to discipline the people and after that I will
train them to be friendly with one another. I am still in the stage of
mobilizing them. I am issuing a decree dealing with the people who are in town
without jobs. They will be taken to study in prison farms and industries. For
one year they will be fed by the government. After that they will form
co-operatives and we shall assist them until they begin to earn money. We are
working according to a plan. We do not want to educate our people along foreign
lines. We have to educate them according to our culture.
We want to educate them in a way we think is good for them with
their agreement. That is why I called people from all corners of Uganda to
discuss it with me – elders, young – and then I take a decision on that
particular subject.
QUESTION: What are your views on the liberation of South Africa
and Palestine?
AMIN: The liberation of Africa and Palestine
is very important. At first, Africa did not know very well about the Arabs.
Palestine is at the center of the Arab lands. It is a land which both
Christians and Muslims regard as important for their religion. It is in
Palestine that the Prophet Mohammed was born. Therefore this needs careful
understanding and the people of Africa should be taught.
I was in the chair in the secret Summit meeting on this subject.
It was one of the toughest discussions in the history of the OA U. Some
Presidents wanted to leave for reasons of other duties or health but I said
no-one should leave until we finished. President
Mobutu said he would not support the expulsion of Israel from the United
Nations. That does not mean that one country out of the 46 OAU members
has the power to make Africa follow what he thinks. It shows that every country
had the freedom to speak. I am speaking on behalf of the majority. All of
Africa wanted Zionist Israel to be forced, pressured to leave the
illegally-occupied Arab territories and to allow the Palestinians to go back to
their country. The entire people of Africa support that and say the
Palestinians must be able to return to their country. But what brought a small
misunderstanding in that top secret meeting was the statement made by my
brother, His ExcellencyPresident Sadat, at
Khartoum airport, when he said that he was not in favor of
supporting the expulsion of Israel from the U. N. Yet his country is the one of
which the greatest part was captured by the Israelis. It was that statement
which brought about a change of mind in the conference, causing doubt. When
we received a report of that statement the leaders of Africa were shocked. They
said, ‘We are supporting the Arab cause and the front line in Africa is Sadat.
Yet he is not in favor of expelling Israel from the U.N. Whom can we now
support?' Even Mobutu said Zaire should not be blamed because it was President
Sadat’s statement which made him change his mind not support Israel’s
If Israel refused to get out of Palestine and also the Arablands
which they occupied illegally then we shall have to discuss within the OAU and
find ways and means of putting pressure on Israel. But if the front line Egypt
is not supporting the Arab cause, what can I say? It is demoralizing the whole
continent of Africa. I must tell you this frankly. Even I will tell my brother
Sadat. I love him very much. He has some economic problems: but now to support
his case is very difficult. But you should know that the majority of Africa is
on our revolutionary side, supporting the Palestinians. There only six African
countries which are weak, including Egypt
QUESTION: What is your view of Kissinger's step-by-step approach
to the Middle East?
AMIN: I know that America is being controlled
by Jews. Some of the Americans are not very happy. I have been with many
Americans. They are straightforward and frank. But I don’t know because I don't
have knowledge of America. After I came to power, during the October, 1973
Middle East War, I told the Americans that if they involved
themselves in that war I would put all the Americans in the country in jail.
Then they ran away, therefore I don't have any information at all about
QUESTION: Are you hoping that relations with the United States
may improve? In that connection, if you go to the U in New York, would you, as
other chairmen of the OAU h done, also call on the United States' President?
AMIN: If the U. S. President does not want me
to go, I can still go to the U. N. He will be embarrassed because I am
reporting the voice of all 46 independent African countries. Therefore if he
respects the entire people of Africa he can receive properly. But if he cannot
receive me I will go to my Embassy to the U.N. and after delivering my report
from the 46 African countries which selected me to represent them, I will come
back straight away. If the government and people of the United States want to
meet me I am ready, because I will go to the U.N. If they do not allow me to go
because it is within the United States and they refuse me entry, then the U.N.
will have to think seriously of transferring itself to another part of the
world. I am not going there as President of the Republic of Uganda. I am going
there as president and chairman of the Organization of African Unity. If they
refuse me permission it means they are not only refusing me but also the entire
46 independent African countries. I will not allow anyone to go to represent
me. I shall go represent Africa. I will show them that Africa is not in the
pockets of anybody. The specific time that I want to be in New York, that is
the time I shall be there.
Question: What are your views on contacts between Africa and
South Africa?
AMIN: Anyone who has any dialogue with South
Africa or Rhodesia now is against the principles and charter of the OAU. He is
speaking for himself but not for Africa.
QUESTION: Would you include the discussions held by Tanzania,
Zambia and Botswana in your condemnation?
AMIN: Nyerere was condemned in his country, at
the OAU Liberation Committee meeting in Dar es Salaam by the Foreign Minister
of Kenya, because of his dialogue with Rhodesia and South Africa. The subject
was brought before the Heads of State and Government of the OAU, who confirmed
the condemnation. They are doing this without the knowledge of the OAU. Even
the secretariat does not know about this and we condemn them completely.
QUESTION: May I congratulate you, sir, on your recent marriage.
Arising out of that, and this being International Women's Year, what is
your view of women's rights, marriage and polygamy, bearing in mind that you
have more than one wife yourself?
AMIN: I think in Africa, notably here in
Uganda, some chiefs used to have more than 100 wives. I think that myself, in
my position as Field Marshal and also the President of the country, I must have
more than one wife.According to our culture, and if you are a
Muslim, you can have four wives at a time, not counting ones you have divorced.
If you have two or three you can bring another one. You must be in a position
to give each wife all the hospitality she wants. I have known my latest wife
since the time of the 1973 October war. She is a very revolutionary woman. I
have been with her. She is a member of the Suicide Mechanized Revolutionary
Regiment. She was with me in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and in
the liberated areas of Guinea-Bissau before they were fully independent.
QUESTION: What do you see happening during the next ten years?
AMIN: There will be great changes in the
world; in Europe, in Asia, in Africa. There
will be a war between Russia and China and it is going to be a real disaster. I
cannot disclose everything. East and West Europe may
unite against the rest of the people of the world. This is 2:30 pm, 3 August
1975. You make a note and ten years from now see if it has happened.
QUESTION: What are the prospects for uniting Blacks in Africa and
in America?
AMIN: I want to unite them completely, not
only in America and in Africa, but all over the world. In the U. S., Latin
America and the Caribbean there are over 83 million Blacks and there are 23
million in other parts of the world. I have spoken at a high level within the
OAU, explaining that we must unite with these people.
QUESTION: You have received arms from the Soviet Union. Does this
represent any change or any pressure on your policy?
AMIN: No. You see I am a free man. The
Soviet Union does not control Field Marshal Amin. Nor does Britain or any other
super power. I want to be very friendly with the Soviet Union, China, America,
Britain, France, anybody. I got from the Russians what I wanted but they should
not dictate to me how I should use it. Even if I am eliminated from being the'
President of Uganda, no member of the armed forces will permit whatever
President who follows me· to be in the pocket of the Soviet Union, China,
Britain or America. Anybody who says I am communist
is deceiving himself I am not communist or capitalist. I just want to follow my
own line of Uganda ways, following what is good according to
African culture. The arms which I am getting for the defence of my people do
not represent any pressure. If you start getting arms because you might change
your policy towards that big power, then you are lost completely. If I found
that any country was putting pressure on me because of arms or any assistance,
I would leave that country and go to others who would be friendly without
putting pressure on me.
QUESTION: What do you have to say about the investment of Arab capital?
AMIN: The Arabs must invest in Africa. When
the Arabs invest in Europe, the Europeans buy raw materials from Africa. They
manufacture arms and those arms are supplied to Zionist Israel which uses them
to smash and kill the people of Palestine and of the Arab world. They are using
that money to give more armaments to South Africa.
That money should aid Arab-African co-operation. I can strengthen
our position and make our unity very, very strong. All the people of Africa
want strong ties with the Arabs. No African President should deceive himself on
QUESTION: Do you feel there is any kind of military threat from
outside Uganda?
AMIN: After assessing the situation in this
particular region, I think no country can speak louder than Uganda. No country
can speak louder than Uganda militarily. I think we are superior in this
particular region.
QUESTION: What about your relations with Israel?
AMIN: Israelis all over the world are against me. Recently former
foreign Minister Eban was talking about me, saying that I asked him to give me
some Phantoms and other aircraft to bomb Tanzania. But I never asked him for
aircraft. They are just putting out this report so that I will be very
hot-tempered. But I am not against any country; I am not against Tanzania. I am
superior to that country. I consider them as my brothers and I want to have
excellent relations with them.
QUESTION: Do you think that the absence of Presidents Nyerere and
Kaunda from the Kampala OAU Summit meant that the conference did not have full
AMIN: Don't you think that this meeting was
most powerful? It was the first time for President Qaddafy of Libya to attend;
the first time President Sadat attended an OAU meeting south of the Sahara. It
was the first time that Yasser Arafat traveled south of the Sahara. It was a
really big victory. Therefore it has weakened the position of Nyerere and
Kaunda. Those people are very shameful.
QUESTION: Do you think Africa will soon be entirely free?
AM IN: Many countries will soon be free. We are
coming to the end of the liberation struggle. Now what we want is to start
economic unification in the African and Arab world, including communication by
air, by sea, by land.
QUESTION: What about an African army?
AMIN: I know already how many countries want
to join in the liberation of the southern part of Africa but I cannot disclose
this to you now. We want Zambia and Mozambique to be friendly to us, to allow
us transit facilities, so that we are in a position to liberate that part of
Africa. We don't want them to join in the war.
QUESTION: Is it true that Britain threatened to attack Uganda at
the time of the Hills affair?
AMIN: Lieutenant General Blair said, 'We shall
attack you completely.' I told him that we can intercept anything because we have
the most up-to-date radar. We can see automatically any movement from low to
high altitude, from Kenya or Tanzania or other countries surrounding us.
QUESTION: Why did they send such undiplomatic people?
AMIN: No, I like General Blair very much
because he promoted me. He was my bwana mkubwa. I took it
lightly, after putting him kneeling down to me in my house, going on his knees.
In my house, inside, I had only one chair, for me. I was wearing my big chief’s
hat. I wanted just to make it funny.
QUESTION: Would you like the Ugandan exiles to return?
AMIN: They are free, this is their home. They
must come and build the nation.
QUESTION: Some people are afraid to come back because you may, as
they see it, mistreat them. They see what happened to your former foreign
minister who rose very quickly and was very soon in disgrace. They are afraid.
AMIN: A former foreign minister like this
Elizabeth Bagaya. Do you think what she did was very good? It was very bad,
completely bad. I have a bad picture of her – even, you can see that it is her.
Because of the support which has come from the western press, which we call the
imperialist press, she is on the side of the imperialists. I have the photos.
That is why she is quiet. She cannot talk. I told her, if she talks I will
publish the photograph. Even the men and women in her delegation, she was using
as her porters. You know she comes from the royal family and she thinks she is
still queen or something.
QUESTION: Do you have a problem of tribalism in Uganda?
AMIN: We have many tribes but I am uniting
them together. The biggest enemy in Black Africa is tribalism. The British came
and tried to make people fight one another, Christian against Muslim. It was
actually what is happening in Northern Ireland; the British wanted to bring it
to Uganda. The best Christian is the best Muslim. Muslims
know more about the Bible than the Christians do. Muslims
trust a good Christian. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ you will not be a
very good Muslim.
QUESTION: How about Judaism?
AMIN: You must believe in all religions, in
all prophets. The only misunderstanding between Muslims and Christians is that
Christians say Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Muslims say no, he is a
prophet. Otherwise Christians and Muslims are the same.
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